Research partnerships and collaborations
With a wide range of academic and industrial projects, collaborations and partnerships across the world, Scania is a dynamic and highly accessible research partner.
Scania has a broad and deep research portfolio, investing in pioneering and emerging technologies for the future transport ecosystem that have the potential to impact our customers and society for many years to come.
Our research activities are conducted in several different strategically important themes, ranging from Vehicle Design (aerodynamics, weight reduction, and circular design), to Software & Connectivity (including AI and cybersecurity) and Sustainable Production.
But while we carry out world-class research and development, Scania has always been clear that we cannot achieve our vision of a sustainable transport system by ourselves. To really drive forward new technologies, we work with various academic and research institutes and other partners to see how the latest theories or design possibilities can have an impact in the real world. In this way, Scania is a true partner in innovation and research.”
Our engagement with external researchers and partners can take different forms:
- Fixed-term research projects with several external actors (academia, city, customers, etc.), which seeks to find a technological or system solution to a particular problem or need, or collaborations with a particular university or research institution that can help us boost knowledge, competence or address specific technological requirements within a certain field.
- Strategic, long-term partnerships with academic or other research institutions to meet ongoing knowledge and technological needs.
Short-term projects and collaborations
Scania has hundreds of different research projects ongoing at any one time, including scores of examples that involve external funding and external collaborators.
Our work here ranges from short-term projects including HITS, E-Charge, TREE to participating in technological and industry research groupings such as AI Sweden, Digital Futures, Swedish Electromobility Centre and Software Centre, just to mention a few.
Scania and OpenAI
Scania is committed to developing the latest technology in our products and solutions. We also want our employees to have the best cutting-edge tools at hand. As an employer, we provide an engaging and up-to-date work environment, especially in digital tools. That is why we ally with OpenAI.